Welcome to The Millennium Early Years (TMEY)

The Millennium Early Years (TMEY) is a sanctuary of love, joy, and creativity where our little millennials are guaranteed to feel safe, happy, valued, and respected. Our early years education programme is structured across four levels: Reception, Playgroup, Junior Montessori and Advanced Montessori.  

Building Dreams: Early Years Program at Future World School 

Step into a World of Learning and Discovery
The Roots Millennium Schools and Future World Schools and Colleges under the umbrella of The Millennium Education, stands out with its unparalleled Early Years Programme, carefully designed to create an environment that not only fosters curiosity and creativity but also ignites a lifelong passion for learning. Let’s explore with us the key pillars of our programme. 

  1. Playful Learning for Holistic Development
    Engaging Activities for Curious Minds
    As educators, we understand the importance of early literacy and numeracy skills essential for future academic success. Through engaging and age-appropriate methods, we lay a solid foundation in reading, writing, and basic mathematics all while instilling a curiosity in young learners for knowledge.
  2. Cultivating Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence
    Inspiring Confidence and Building Compassionate Individuals
    In addition to academic skills, we recognize the importance of social skills and emotional intelligence from very early on. Our Early Years Programme places a solid emphasis on the development of social skills through collaboration and emotional intelligence through instilling mutual respect and empathy in our young millennial. Through group activities, collaborative projects, and guided discussions, young millennials are equipped to express themselves, understand others, and navigate their emotions in a healthy manner.
  3. A Safe and Stimulating Environment
    Learner’s Second Home
    Having a safe and secure environment for our learners is our top priority. We believe in creating a secure and stimulating environment where our young millennials explore and express themselves. Our dedicated team of educators serves as caring mentors, guiding each child’s unique learning journey and providing unwavering support for their growth.
  4. Parent-Teacher Partnership
    Working Hand-in-Hand for our Millennial’s Success
    We firmly believe that education is a collaborative effort between parents and teachers. Our transparent communication channels and regular updates ensure that parents are integral to their child’s educational experience, fostering a strong support system that maximizes each child’s potential.

Facilities for Early Years
Future World Schools & Colleges offers air-conditioned, spacious, well-equipped classrooms with reading, writing, art, science, free play, and discovery centres. We also boast multiple intelligence-enabled activity centres, music centres, kitchen labs, puppetry theatres, storytelling areas, and interactive outdoor play areas for physical development.